Have you heard of Bunda Cliffs Campground? If you haven’t, get ready to hear about the BEST free campground, right on the EDGE of Australia!!!
Where is Bunda Cliffs Campground?
Bunda Cliffs Campground is located about 50km west of the Nullarbor roadhouse in South Australia. There are a few campgrounds marked on Wikicamps, but this is the one we stayed at and there is plenty of room for many campers.

How much does it cost to stay at Bunda Cliffs Campground?
FREE!! However, make sure you respect this campground and take all rubbish with you. If you see someone has left rubbish behind and you are able to take it, there are bins at Nullarbor Roadhouse & Border Village Roadhouse that you could dispose it at. Every time we have stayed at this campground it has been really clean, which is amazing!!

Should I camp right on the edge?
We wouldn’t recommend camping right on the edge, even though it is tempting to wake up to that view! The wind is SO strong and even camped behind the dune system, the van was moving around in the wind. The first time we stayed here there were people parked up near the edge of the cliff and at 2am they were all up moving their vans behind the dunes because of the wind and how much it was rocking their van!

What else do I need to know?
ENJOY!! This campsite is absolutely amazing! We always stop at this campground when we cross the Nullarbor, it is spectacular!
We crossed the Nullarbor & stayed at Bunda Cliffs! Watch below:
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