How we plan our new adventures & the resources we use

How we plan our new adventures & the resources we use

We get asked on the regular how we plan our trips, work out how long to stay in each destination and what resources we use for our planning. So here it is...

Now that we have done a full lap of Australia, our planning has changed a little as we know where we want to return to and where we don't want to go again. We are also very coastal, so we mainly stick to the coast and do little in-land trips for particular destinations we want to visit. 

How we plan & resources we use:

  1. Word of mouth: This is one of the best ways to find new places to visit! We speak to other travellers we meet, we get recommendations from locals & we reviews on forums such as Facebook. The one thing we will say with word of mouth is that you HAVE to take peoples recommendations & complaints with a pinch of salt... We have heard people give negative reviews on some of the most incredible places we have ever seen, e.g. Karijini, and vice versa people have given glowing reviews on places that have been average for us, e.g. Airlie Beach (it was pretty, just very touristy).
  2. Apps: When we first took off, Wikicamps App was our BIBLE!! It was by far the best app for planning our travels. We would pick our next town that we wanted to visit & as we drove I would look at all of the free/lowcost camps in the town & read all of the reviews. It was great because it was travellers giving reviews & they were able to leave photos so you knew what it looked like before going. However, the app has since been taken over by a different company (weve heard its a major caravan park chain) and camps have been removed & its a little more difficult to use. The other app that we used was Campedia which is similar to Wikicamps, however, it is a family-run business.
  3. Social Media: Whenever we are heading to a new place, we search it up on Instagram or TikTok to see people's reviews & photos. It is also a great way to find free things to do in the area as people usually share these sorts of things on their pages. Of course, it's important to know that Social Media is a highlight reel, so you'll see the best of a place & sometimes it doesn't always look like that. Weather is one of the biggest factors that affects the way you feel about a destination, we've had friends go to some of our favourite beaches in Western Australia and leave hating it because it was overcast & windy.
  4. Google & Blog Posts: It's one of the easiest ways to research a destination - we usually search "free things to do in ***" and then decide how long we'd like to stay in a town depending on the number of things to do. When we first took off, we released a heap of blog posts on destinations to try & help others with their planning. We are also currently in the process of writing another destination guide ebook! 

We hope that this has been helpful, it really does come down to your preferences & what you enjoy doing, don't fall into the trap of visiting places because someone told you you HAVE to see it, go there because its what you enjoy doing😊 

Remember that you can't see everything & not to be disappointed if you miss something, it just means you have a reason to come back! 

Check out our latest Destination Guide below

Our Guide to the Coast of South Australia eBook: 



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1 comment

Been binging your show, absolutely loving it,. Thank you so much for your advice and the laughs are great. Didn’t see your PS 2000 set up in your new vehicle…. thanks again
kind regards, Brett.

Brett Greeenslade

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