These are our TOP things to do North of Broome! These are little 4WD getaways and locations to visit.
*Please note this blog was written in 2021 and some conditions may have changed*

Barred Creek
So we stayed at the location to the north on the cliff which was AWESOME! but, if you are into camping right on the beach, the location that is highlighted on the photo to the left would be for you! When we went for a walk to explore, we saw this campsite and it looked mint, but unfortunately we had other plans booked in so we didn’t go stay there. If you would prefer to be up off the beach, then the North campsite is for you. It was such a beautiful site, but be aware, it does get a little boggy in areas! We got bogged when we drove further up and tried to turn around haha we had to get the Maxtrax out!! All in all it was a beautiful site. The site itself is right on the cliff edge and then right out the front is ocean views (see the drone shot below). While we were there we relaxed on the beach, went for a walk along the cliff to the river mouth and looked at the beautiful mangroves. This is also where we saw our first ever wild Estuarine Crocodile, so I wouldn’t go swimming if I was you!
How did I forget to mention… this is a FREE camp!! Love it!!

James Price Point
OK, What a spot for a free camp!! This place is UNREAL. If you are looking on wiki camps, you’ll find the spot we went to under “800m from James Price” as shown in the photo. There is so much more room than the point & you can pretty much find a spot and have plenty of space between you and the other campers in the area. You camp up on the cliff and have the red rock behind you and the white sandy beach below with the blue water from the ocean. IT IS AMAZING!! You have got to check this place out on your travels… and one more time, it’s FREE!!
The sunsets here are to die for, we were there for three nights and every night the sky lit up with pinks, purples, oranges and reds. The red rock glows and you can go beach combing on the low tide while all the rock pools are exposed. If you are lucky enough, you might find yourself some free fishing gear like we did!

Gumbanan Wilderness Retreat
Camping was $34 for 2 people/per night from the research we did and free to visit during the day, which is what we did.
We have to say, this was our favourite spot past James Price point. When we arrived the tide was out and all the rocks were exposed, and the water was crystal clear. We could see clearly from the carpark an Aboriginal Fish Trap, and watched as the tide came in and the trap disappeared under the water. It was really cool!! Have a look at the two photos below, the first was when we first got there and it was exposed and the second is when the tide came in as we were about to leave.
We had a little fish down at the water, but with no luck, but it was fun to have a little flick around. We 100% will be coming back and spending some time at this place!!!

Cygnet Bay Pearl Farm & Accomodation
This was another place that was free to visit! They had a pool, restaurant, pearl gallery and ran loads of tours. This was all open to the public.
We went for a walk around and looked at all the facilities, it was absolutely amazing. We walked down to the mangroves and looked at the blue water and white sandy beach, it was so beautiful. We then walked up to the look out which overlooks the mangroves and also has an old pearling boat which you can jump on board and look at. This was all free of charge.
We also looked through the gallery there, Sarah found a beautiful necklace for herself… check out the price tag on it

Lombadina was $10 entry per car for the day or $45 per night for a powered campsite and $40 for unpowered.
This spot looked pretty epic and we will definitely come back to visit, but it was already 3pm when we arrived so it wasn’t really worth us paying entry for a few cars and only popping our head over the dune.
From the photos the receptionist showed us, it looked beautiful. White sandy beaches with clear blue water. They run a lot of Aboriginal cultural tours as well which we would love to go back and do.

Kooljaman at Cape Leveque
What we came to see… but, when we were told it was $20 per adult and $10 per child to walk around and have a look, we kindly declined. We would have loved to have a look around, but $40 to go for a walk was too steep for us, especially when we had just gone to Gumbanan & Cygnet Bay for free which were absolutely stunning.
If you have money to spend, then 100% go, it looked magical from the carpark (only view we had haha). Remember we skip things because we are on a budget, but it was $50 per night to camp there OR $20 day entry per person. So it would make sense to go and stay the night and explore!
It’s funny that the place we were keen to go see ended up being our least favourite and the first place we visited which was just a “lets just see what’s down this road” ended up being our favourite!!
Our one recommendation would be to go in with no expectations and you will be amazed! We definitely were!
Places we missed as we day tripped but definitely want to see next time we go back:
- Middle Lagoon (camping $20 per person)
- Embalgun Smithy’s Seaside Adventures ($20 per person)
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