Over the last three years, we have been sharing our adventures and travels on our social media channels. We share our travels in hope that it will inspire others to get out there and explore our home country of Australia. Our videos aim to make people happy and to have a laugh. We also find it important to help those who are wanting to get out there and do it themselves. Sarah is a Teacher and Keelan is an Electrician by trade. We like to be able to use our knowledge, skills and experiences to help others, which is why we began creating 12-volt videos. Since, we have come to learn that people really value these videos & they have helped so many people understand their 12-volt systems better - which makes us so happy!! (Thank you to everyone who messaged us, it shows us that these videos are worth the time and effort they take to plan, film & edit).
We would like to mention that anytime we release one of these videos our email & inbox is flooded with questions & people wanting us to help them with their 12-volt systems personally. While we wish we had the time to help everyone, it just isn't physically possible to get back to these kinds of detailed questions. We always recommend that you have a qualified Electrician come and look at your set-up in person to ensure you are setting it up safely & the most efficiently, your electrical system is not something you want to do incorrectly!
Always remember that these videos are purely for entertainment purposes only and are our personal opinions. Always seek professional advice on Electrical Systems.
We hope that these videos are useful & you are able to take away information & ideas for your own 12-volt electrical system.

12v System full run-through in our 16ft Hybrid Caravan
In this video, we run through our 12V system in our 16ft Urban Caravans Hybrid off-road caravan.
We run through:
- Simple mistakes that can prove costly
- Why we go with Lithium batteries over AGM or Lead-acid
- Easy DIY tips you can make to improve your system in your car, caravan or boat!
Watch here: https://youtu.be/lOdXPc24ghY?si=yADmZpo3EYGOByNZ
12volt mistakes everyone makes and 3 easy & cheap DIY tips
In this video, we go through:
- The rookie 12v mistakes everyone makes
- 3 easy, cheap, DIY tips to get 50% more out of your 12v system in your 4x4, caravan or boat to keep you off-grid and powered up for longer!
Don't destroy your 12v system silently!
Watch here: https://youtu.be/lrxY931blpg?si=TZYCnVra4yRJKKzf
2-year honest review on the iTECH120X Lithium battery
It is important to note that we value our integrity and honesty and have high respect for our viewers. We would never promote or recommend a product that we haven't used, tested & loved to our audience. Anything that you see us promote on our channel is something we would happily recommend to our family❤️ We would never partner with a company that we don't believe in or trust.
In this video, we run through:
- Our perfect 12V lithium battery system in our 16ft Urban caravans hybrid off-road van and 150 Toyota Landcruiser Prado.
- The torture test we have done for the last two years on this lithium battery and how it handled Australia's extremely harsh environments.
- Why we go with Lithium batteries over AGM or Lead acid?
- Easy DIY tips you can make to improve your system in your car, Caravan or boat!
Watch here: https://youtu.be/vZbJ99M5gM4?si=9RGgUiXFsyb6lQBD
6 common misconceptions in the off-grid, power, solar & lithium battery industry
In this video, we go through:
- 6 of the most common myths and misconceptions in the offgrid living, power, solar and lithium battery industry that the experts don't want you to know.
- Designing your perfect 12v off-grid setup on a budget!
Watch here: https://youtu.be/HQthAzrrzkg?si=BCWaSC32YetOGBHJ
12v System full run-through in our Urban Caravan 18.9 X-Treme
In this video, we go through our extremely simple and affordable 12-volt system in our Urban Caravan offroad 18'9 Xtreme that you can even DIY.
Watch here: https://youtu.be/x5K7Jyy7EmI?si=H-mQV2TxglKsWIk0